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Check Out 3 Messy Signs That Your Main Sewer Line Is Clogged


The ultimate clog in your home is the stoppage in the main sewer line.
When water goes down the drain and doesn’t have anywhere to go, it will come back through interior drain together with raw sewage, and it will cause expensive and messy damage to your house. You have to check out if your main sewer line is clogged, and you must clear it as soon as possible.
Check out three messy signs to be sure if your main sewer line is clogged.

Many Plumbing Fixtures Have Been Clogged

If you have one single clog, that isn’t a reason to worry about.
If there are many plumbing fixtures clogged at your house, or if you see that water drain slowly, there is a big chance that you have a main line clogged.

You must examine further if you see that water in toilet and bathtub drains slowly.

Unusual Situations While Using Plumbing Fixtures

Water can’t go anywhere when main drain line is clogged, so it comes back into the house. There is a possibility you have a main line clogged if:
• Water is coming back into the bathtub or shower drains after flushing the toilet.
• You notice that toilet bubbles or the level of water is rising when you run the closest sink for a minute.
• The toilet floods or water come back through the tub or shower while your washing machine works.

Terrible Smell From Your Drains

If you sense some scent of raw sewage, and you can’t miss that unpleasant smell, then your main line is clogged.

Advice for Clearing a Main Sewer Line Clog

You need a professional plumber who can clear a sewer drain for you.
You must clear the clog very quick whatever you do. Otherwise, it will cause expensive and messy damage to the house.

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